Sunday, April 15, 2012

Roses and Such

Recent rains were quite welcome, that with our well water being so low and all. Added bonus: temperatures didn't drop. Cherry on top: sunshine and warm air that follow!

Thus, I spent time taking inventory of the garden and plants... not all my shots turned out picture perfect (quite the understatement), but we are so blessed! Thank you, Father Above, for creating such beauty, diversity and nourishment!

Here are photos of our future salsa:




And spinach for salads and egg scrambles:

The Asian peas are showing off and ready to climb!!

The lilac bush continues to bloom:

And here's a preview of our very own Rose Parade, which will occur when all these buds open up!

Out front on our arch:

The red rose tree near the front door:

Curly mauve and long stem peach, outside the kitchen window:

Fragrant bloom bush hasn't bloomed yet, neither have two other rose bushes. Hopefully they will be active participants in the upcoming Rose Parade.

Joseph's Coat, however, has been showing off for weeks now:
(All of these photos are from the same rose bush.)

And, by far, the most beautiful of all, I present to you the Night-night Rose:

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