Thursday, December 29, 2011

Happiness Project: Resolutions!

Here we are again... at the end of another year. I am so excited about 2012! Any other time, I might have dreaded it. I know there will be some steep challenges. Heartaches. Disappointments. But, I am excited because I have grown enough to know that those don't define me or my ability to live a content, satisfied life. The past couple years have taught me to find joys in little things, to live life fully, even if that means visiting someone in the hospital, weeding the garden or running errands. You cannot wait for "this to pass" before becoming happy.

Which brings me to the Happiness Project. It resonates with me, not only because I like lists and resolutions and charts, but because the point is to tweak some things in life throughout the months of the year that will add to your happiness.

Our first step (you ARE joining me, right? RIGHT??) is to pick several areas that we could make a couple of changes in to increase our happiness (contentment, satisfaction, etc.) and assign them to months of the year. Don't fuss over if your list will be perfect or "the" list that you end up with in the end, just get started... My list has changed three times this past week!

Here is my basic list:

January – Organization: Schedule... for daily and weekly habits, for quiet, keep notebooks... for to-do lists, want/need lists, projects... keep weekly/daily planner and learn to keep it with me... need pocket size and desktop size...

February – Spiritual Goals: Worship and prayer, heart attitude, personal inventory, right any wrongs, forgive,

March - Marriage

April – Energy/Health: Sleep habit... vitamins... exercise... reduce stress...

May – Photography!

June – Play: Explore new areas of “fun” ???????

July – Friendship: Connect with friends... really...

August – Life Goals: Education, Career, Church, Years to come...

September – Finances: Monthly budget **Just in time for the holidays!!**, Schedule for being out of debt, savings

October – Parenting

November –

December: Application!

You can see I still have one month to fill in with something... and that's okay.

Now it's your turn! Pick at least three areas and tell me!


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