Monday, March 28, 2011

Once upon a time....

a sweet, adorable baby boy was born.  Twelve years ago today.  He was the apple of his momma's eye, too.
He was curious, smart, confident... and anyone who met him was charmed by his loving hugs and winning smiles.
While he was a wee toddler, his mom began a difficult battle with cancer.   While I am sure relatives, Dad, Mom and big brothers made a great effort to "normalize" a mom fighting for her life, Cody's heart must have often times been heavy.  Pictures of his mom kissing his plump cheeks... knowing that she wouldn't be here to watch him grow up and become a young man... well... how can your heart not feel something?  How can you not want to cry with them?  Cody's mom passed away when he was 8 years old. 

The next few years brought non-stop change for Cody.  His dad fell in love with this lady who had lots of kids and not only was his life turned upside down, so was his house and everything he knew. 

It seems that Cody has kept trying... over and over... to adjust to a new "normal".  So, if you hear a story about him being a handful....  If you hear a relative speak of some challenge or misbehavior... perhaps you can extend some loving grace.  After all, people are much more likely to become a better person when they are loved and have something to hope for.

I am privileged to be Cody's 2nd mom.  Honestly, it's one of the hardest jobs I will ever have.  When I see him overcome a habit... work hard on something that isn't easy when he doesn't want to... I am very, very proud of him. 

Some days I tell him, "Cody, there's just nothing the two of us can't do!"  Because on those days he is my right arm... He is a talented cook and knows this house and everything in it like the back of his hand.  There have been many times he has been great company to me. 

He is one terrific fisherman, too!  He knows his fish... his tackle... and is a wildlife extraordinaire!
(This was him this morning... not wanting to smile for mom's black box... but, I kept trying to catch one of him laughing...)
We'll be celebrating his birthday this upcoming weekend and I'll share some more pictures then.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh i rele wish i could come and join in :) tell codes i love him -zoey