Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Same lesson, two different sets of quotes...

My daughter and I attend a weekly women's Bible study on Tuesday mornings. This year long study is based on Walk Through the Bible Seeing the Mighty Acts of God. This week's lesson was on Moses and the plagues. After we'd come back to my house and I'd made lunch, we compared notes that we'd taken during the teaching and it was so much fun to see how we both heard the same words, but we wrote down such different things.

My daughter, Shasta's notes:

God trumps government.
God doesn't ask us to do what we want to do, He asks us to do His plan.
God can use anything through anyone with a willing heart.
You don't compromise with God.

And Shasta had a lot of illustrations... I like her pharaoh's big head...

My notes:

Our words create our world.
The issue is not who we are, but who our God is.
Power is in the wielded hand of a humble servant.
Who is the Lord that I should obey his voice? (Pharaoh didn't know the Lord... if
I do, should't I be obedient?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pharao may not have known the Lord, but the Bible also says that the Lord hardened his heart against him. How then could he have followed the Lord if he was unable to hear his voice and his heart was hardened?