Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My first blog contest ever...

I have no sponsors.  I don't look for sponsors.  I have never read about sponsors or making money with my blog.  I simply love to sit and ponder and post away, pretending that what I share is enjoyed by nearly everyone out there.  Or some people out there.  Maybe one.

So, this year I had this great idea.  I have drooled for several months over Martha Stewart's Homekeeping Hanbook.  Yes, it is to be the golden ticket!  It is all my hopes in one.  It will surely be just what I need to read and tackle this household and keep things tidy and organized. 

I tried Flylady.  About 4 times.  I could write many pages of Flylady's website from memory.  After 4 times, though, when the kitchen is messy and I cannot find socks and the garage looks like... well... you'll see... I just cannot click on her site and start with a shiny sink.  I know how to clean.  I know how to delegate.  I know a lot of things.  There's just something about the follow through that gets me every time. 

Oh, yes!  I know what it is!  I end up living in the moments... rushing out the door for this or for that... saying, "Hey, we'll get to the kitchen in a while.  Get over here and let's play dice!"  I used to have to do 3-4 loads of laundry every day to stay caught up.  But, then I was so tired of doing laundry that I'd take a couple days off and then... whoa... not pretty... Well, all these random confessions and statements have a purpose.  I think. 

My sweet mother-in-law, Cathy, purchased Martha Stewart's book for me for Christmas.  Well, I am certain that this book will save me and my household.  After all, it's Martha Stewart.  How can I go wrong?   So, my great idea is to work through the book this year, blogging about it as I go.  Kind of like being a copy cat of Julie and Julia... But, I don't have to cook a lot of stuff.  I just have to... organize? Clean? Hmmm.  And if all I end up with is a lot of laughs and my bedroom closet returns to it's usual chaotic state, well, we'll all survive.  Because I know that relationships are what life is all about, not how organized a closet is...  But, now, the garage... (shudder!)

I have other grand plans swirling around in my mind, though.  So, my year of Martha Stewart must be put on hold.  Because the new plans I have may take months.  I don't dare reveal my ultimate goal with the garage yet.  But, I will share some short time goals.  

First off, I hope to get in the garage and be able to sort and handle the laundry without bumping into any stack or boxes or furniture pieces. 

Secondly, I hope to clear a path so that we can once again walk into the garage and exit through the side door to the side yard.  This is handy.  If we can do this, it will make taking the trash out a simpler task.  As it is now, there are a few stacks of Christmas bins blocking the door and there really, truly is no where else for them to go at this time and still have a garage safe to stand in.

Thirdly, I'd like to create another path down the middle of the garage so that I can open the garage door and walk through the middle of the garage to the driveway.  I wont list the benefits that this would provide... just keep reading.

Fourthly, I hope to create an area near the large garage door to stack donation bags and boxes.  Then I can go into the garage, open the garage door, walk down the middle to the stack of donations and take these to the curb for pick up.  I have contacted the local agency who picks up donations at curb-side and begged them to keep me on their list.  "Please, would you just automatically stop here?  Every two weeks.  Yes, every two weeks."  I tried to get them to come more often, but they wont change their route for me. 

Fifthly, I hope to find another agency who can come on the off weeks to pick up donations.

So, back to the garage. 

My plan is to start in one area and sort.  Give away and throw away as much as possible.  And not let anyone look at what is in the donation bags.  I am ruthless when it comes to tossing.  I am married to Mr. Let's Keep It We'll Need It Someday.  I will have to do this when children are in school and Scott is at work.  I'll keep working through each area, creating paths and clearing out.  Whatever gets to stay will have to go into bins and be labeled.  They will stack up somewhere... Then, when I get through each area of the garage I hope to have a lot of room.  Yes, a lot.  I will need it because the next step will be to get Scott to empty out the rafters and allow me to continue the grand purge.  That will be a lot harder because I will be dealing with a lot more of Scott's things.  C'mon, really, do you need stuff up there that you haven't even seen in 5 years?  Why? 

After that, we'll get everything that stays in our lives put back up into the rafters and we will be left with some furniture items which are not to be donated and a wall of Scott's workshop that he hasn't been able to get to without using his climbing over piles powers. 

I think this will take a few months.  Because I still have to do laundry and cook.  And provide transportation. And go to work.  And play dice.  Laughing must continue, also. The pets will be fed.  Hugs will be given.  We might even raise the volume and dance along the way.  Because you have to live each day.  Really live.  Life takes a lot of work and sometimes it hits you with times that are not any fun at all.  I've learned that whatever has been thrown at me, I've got to live life.  I've got to look for the joy.  Find the fun.  Create great memories.  Even in times that tear me up and keep me awake at night.

Oh, yes.  The contest!  Let's have a messy garage contest!!!  If I participate, I will be certain to win.  Of this I am sure.  So, I am taking myself out of the contest.  I think when you host a contest, you don't participate in it, anyway. 

So, if you read this and want to send me your messy garage photo, I'd love it.  I wont feel so alone.  If you have no garage and have a really disorganized, thoroughly messy storage shed, send me the photo!  Carports will work, too.

Send your entry to

I will post before and after pictures when I tackle areas of our garage. 

1 comment:

Karla Marie said...

Love your new layout. :) Nice! :) Happy New Year!