Friday, October 15, 2010

Fitness Friday! Have you been getting any exercise?

Fitness Friday

What level? What week?  I don't do "details" very well... but I think I am on week 4 and I think I'll be at level 2 for a few more weeks.... I am still using The Biggest Loser's Cardio Max "6 week" plan.

It's been a very good exercise week! I got in 4 workouts... two of which were intense and left me dripping with sweat. The first one of the week I was excited! Really! That was nice because last week I really did not want to exercise. Today's workout was a bit lazy, though I did work up a sweat. I have been doing level 2, but a bit toned down because I am just not full on yet with it... have a way to go.

I have experienced the energy level with these workouts... After showering and dressing for the day I feel like I can take on life and really don't get sleepy during the day anymore. I wish I could say that I was sleeping great at night, but that's a whole other issue!

The best part of working out right now is listening to my music playlist! That makes all the difference to me. Enjoying the music, letting my brain go other places rather than being stuck in the living room bending, stretching, jumping, lunging, doing squats.... Yep, my brain needs that music outlet or I'd be bored and would not stick with it.

How about you? Have you been doing anything physical for your health?

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